Dados do autor
NomeAgata Filiks
E-mail do
Sua instituiçãoUniversity of Life sciences in Lublin
Sua titulaçãoMaster
País de origem do autorPolônia
Dados co-autor(es) [Máximo de 2 co-autores]
Proposta de Paper
Área Temática16. Historia
Grupo TemáticoLo que se esconde entre las máscaras: Covid19 y su impacto en la sociedad americana
TítuloHerbs used as additional treatment in COVID-19 pandemic in America

Plants were used to medical purposes since ancient times. People were using herbs to boost immune system or for treatment of multiple diseases. The active substances from specific plants were used as base to today's pharmacy. Nowadays people come back to natural way of treatment as for e.g. additional treatment for many illnesses. The COVID-19 pandemic also has led to people seeking alternative treatments as preventive and treatment options such as medicinal plants. This presentation would analyze how some of this plants have been used as complementary treatment to COVID-19. For that purpose, the cases in different American countries will be studied and compared to each other. This is a relevant topic to understand how different societies view medicinal plants in the context of modern day pandemic episodes.

  • Herbs, herbal treatment, COVID-19