Dados do autor
NomeCarlos Edison Levoyer Rodriguez
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Sua instituiçãoAktions Theater AKT
Sua titulaçãoGraduado
País de origem do autorEquador
Dados co-autor(es) [Máximo de 2 co-autores]
Proposta de Paper
Área Temática15. Philosophy and Thought
Grupo TemáticoAesthetics and Immiseration
TítuloMediation need for an atomistic theory of the composition of dramatic matter at the Abya-Yala

1) METHOD.- Following the discoveries of Osborne Bennett Hardison, Jr., regarding the operations of the scientific method in Aristotle's Poetics on the production (poietikés) of artistic matter in general and dramatic matter in particular, we can now explain art in atomistic and materialistic terms.
2) SCIENCE.- The method described by Hardison seems to be the same as that used in Marx's Capital, but I cannot assure it yet. To do this, we would have to proceed with the scientificity and rigor with which Hardison proceeded in his study of Aristotle's Poetics.
3) ARTISTIC CREATION.- This method has dialectical non-mechanicists consequences, which could lead to an implementation in dramatic matter in particular and in artistic matter in general. The legacy of Samuel Henry Butcher (art as universal) that continues in Hardison prevents the errors of the Enlightenment that saw in The Poetics a rule to follow.
4) SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF ART.- This method also serves to research the development of all the arts, that is, it can be used as an epistemic foundation for the analysis of the current expansion of artistic matter, as Aristotle raised it in his Poetics, but that until now has not been developed or implemented.
5) MEDIATED MARXCISM, NOT REVISIONIST.- The complex of elements and scaffolds described in the preceding points tell us that the study and fight against misery and poverty, exploitation and everything scientifically described in Marx's Capital, have to pass to the Abya-Yala in a mediated way. In art it means that, due to its contents, continuity must be created, and not just rupture with the past of this land’s aesthetic history, which implies universal control (John Murra) of life for its production (again, with Aristotle: poietikés) and reproduction. And due to the form, one more mediation must be inserted: the study and practice of art in its constitutive elements (in its constitutive atoms), to generate a sufficient theoretical and practical basis to app

  • Atomism
  • Abya-Yala
  • Aristotle
  • Exploitation
  • Art Future