Dados do autor
NomeDanai Toursoglou Papalexandridou
E-mail do autorEmail escondido; Javascript é necessário.
Sua instituiçãoAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Sua titulaçãoDoutorando
País de origem do autorGrécia
Dados co-autor(es) [Máximo de 2 co-autores]
Proposta de Paper
Área Temática05. Comunicação e Novas Tecnologias
Grupo TemáticoAbordajes críticos sobre las formas de estar juntos /estar separados en las experiencias sociocomunicativas contemporáneas
TítuloDialogues of Digital Commons and Equitable Resilience

This paper questions the way that commons-based cyber-physical platforms influence in positive or negative ways the resilience of communities within which they act, as well as the resilience of broader areas (regional/metropolitan) through their interactions within ecosystems. It provides an equitable perspective on regional and metropolitan resilience, through measuring and enabling participation of the most vulnerable. The research will lead to empirical case studies in Medellin (Colombia), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Boston (USA), interrelating the topic with diverse localities and socio-cultural aspects. The paper consists of a literature review in the fields of resilience, social capital, commons-based approaches and platform ecosystems. According to the findings, commons-based platforms can result in positive outcomes or negative externalities of social capital within communities in front of disasters, which are highly connected with the elements of “community”, “resources”, “rules” and “data management”, as well as the structural characteristics of the platforms. The interactions formed of such platforms within cyber-physical ecosystems can result in complicated network relations and foster the understanding of the positive outcomes and negative externalities of social capital, which can potentially function as equitable indicators of regional and metropolitan resilience. This research, being published exactly after the first shock and within the constant stretch of the 2020 pandemic on various aspects of urban reality, has as a goal to evolve the academic knowledge, open a discussion as well as support resilience processes. The evolution of the paper will not only interconnect the diverse research disciplines, but will also evolve the way commons-based platforms are structured, towards more socially-concerned future projects. The participation in the conference can be done both in english and spanish.

  • commons based platforms
  • equitable resilience
  • comparative research
  • platform ecosystems
  • communities