Dados do autor
Sua instituiçãoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires CONICET/UNCPBA
País de origem do autorArgentina
Dados co-autor(es) [Máximo de 2 co-autores]
Sua titulaçãoDoutor
Proposta de Paper
Área Temática17. Linguística y Literatura
Grupo TemáticoDetermination and definiteness in the languages of the Americas/Determinación y definitud en las lenguas de América
TítuloExpression of individuation in Santiagueño Quichua

Referential expressions in a language may vary according to the degree of individuation that the speaker assigns to each referent mention (Lehmann, 2015). The speaker can assign a generic reference, which includes a whole species of elements under a concept, a non-specific reference, which indicates a subset or individual of the species whose identity is irrelevant, or a specific reference, which assigns an identity to a subset or an individual. This presentation explores the way in which different types of reference are expressed in Santiagueño Quichua (ISO 639, qus; Quechua, Argentina). Using a text corpora as empirical basis, the analysis showed how the presence and combination between different morphology of the nominal phrase enables different degrees of individuation for each referential expression. The language displays a complex interaction between a differential object marking (Juanatey, 2022) and nominal suffixes and constituents, such as demonstratives, determiners, possessives and modifiers, according to the degree of individuation and the availability of the referent in the interlocutor’s awareness. In order to comprehensively explain the variations in the structural complexity of referential expressions in the language, it was also necessary to consider, on the one hand, other semantic and pragmatic factors, such as animacy/empathy (Yamamoto, 1999), familiarity o identifiability (Lyons, 1999), indexability (Bickel, 1999), among others, and, on the other hand, syntactic factors, like the argument structure and the order of elements of the noun phrase.

Bickel, B. (1999). Indexability effects in Himalayan languages. Workshop on Himalayan Languages, Santa Bárbara.
Juanatey, M. (2022). Marcación diferencial de caso y referencialidad en quichua santiagueño. Dialectología, 29. Universitat de Barcelona. pp.1-31
Lehmann, Ch. (2015). Referenz im Diskurs. Theoretische und methodische Ansätze en G. Wirsching (ed.). Elektronische Sprachsignalverar

  • referentiality
  • individuation
  • Quechua
  • Santiagueño Quichua