Dados do autor
Sua instituiçãoBrigham Young University BYU
País de origem do autorEstados Unidos
Dados co-autor(es) [Máximo de 2 co-autores]
Sua titulaçãoPost-Doctor
Proposta de Paper
Área Temática06. Cosmovisiones y Sistemas Religiosos
Grupo TemáticoJuego y humorismo en las lenguas, las artes y los rituales amerindios
TítuloO uso de ironia e sarcasmo na evangelização: Textos religiosos coloniais em nahuatl e maya

Irony and sarcasm saturate many of the indigenous-language religious texts produced during the colonial period in central Mexico and Yucatan. Inspired from myriad Old World examples and texts, Spanish ecclesiastics often chided the wicked with questions and examples that exposed the stupidity of their choices and their eventual mockery before God and others. Likewise, Nahua and Maya authors and collaborators drew upon the wit and humor of their own culture to similarly mock the wicked. This paper exhibits various examples drawn from such texts to expose the important role irony and sarcasm played in evangelization and in shaming the wicked into proper behavior.

  • Religião, humor, evangelização